Georg fährt extra nach Berlin um Steve Ballmer zu treffen

My #wp7comp entry: Bayern Fan

BAYERN FAN is an app that I star­ted to wri­te becau­se I per­so­nal­ly wan­ted to have it. Bay­ern them­sel­ves have not yet released an „offi­ci­al“ app and they pro­ba­b­ly won’t for a while, so I had to do it mys­elf. Below is a demo video that I made for the app com­pe­ti­ti­on WP7Comp.

» watch BAYERN FAN demo on YouTube

Of cour­se I would be hap­py if you would be so kind and lea­ve a nice com­ment on the com­pe­ti­ti­on page.

Pro­gramming of the app is basi­cal­ly finis­hed. The­re are a cou­ple of ques­ti­ons that I have to sort out but I am going to upload it for cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on in the next cou­ple of days. Stay tuned.

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