Georg fährt extra nach Berlin um Steve Ballmer zu treffen

Hello world!

Wel­co­me to I have final­ly mana­ged to replace the pla­ce­hol­der page with my „bava­ri­an metro ui“ word­press the­me. I am sure it still has some glit­ches here and the­re. If you find pro­blems with the site (and you are not using IE6), plea­se let me know. The the­me was ori­gi­nal­ly inspi­red by the­se the­mes and has obvious­ly chan­ged a litt­le sin­ce. Star­kers HTML5 naked the­me ser­ved as a gre­at foun­da­ti­on. Oh yes, is com­ple­te­ly HTML5. I have tes­ted it only with IE9 RC and some Fire­fox ver­si­on. As this is my per­so­nal play­ground, I do not intend to make this page look decent on the widest pos­si­ble ran­ge of browsers. 

My plan is to use this page not so much for regu­lar blog­ging but as a show­ca­se for some of the stuff I have done and am doing with .NET. Thanks for visi­ting and be sure to drop by every once in a while.

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